





鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的 How The Steel Was Tempered

作者:尼古拉·奧斯特洛夫斯基 (Nikolai Alexeevich Ostrovsky) [前蘇聯(lián)]



“Those of you who came to my house to be examined before the Easter holidays, stand up!” The speaker, a corpulent man in the garb of a priest, with a heavy cross dangling from his neck, fixed the class with a baleful glare.


His **all hard eyes seemed to bore through the six children — four boys and two girls — who rose from their seats and looked at the man in the robe with apprehension.


“You sit down,” the priest said, motioning to the girls.


The girls hastily complied, with sighs of relief.


Father Vasili’s slits of eyes focussed on the other four.


“Now then, my fine lads, come over here!”


Father Vasili rose, pushed back his chair and walked up to the group of boys who stood huddled close together.


“Which of you young ruffians **okes?”


“We don’t **oke, father,” the four answered timidly.


The blood rushed to the priest’s face.


“You don’t **oke, eh, you scoundrels? Then who put the tobacco in the dough? Tell me that! We’ll see whether you **oke or not. Now then, turn out your pockets! Come on, turn them out, I say!”


Three of the boys proceeded to empty the contents of their pockets onto the table.


The priest inspected the seams carefully for grains of tobacco, but found nothing, whereupon he turned to the fourth lad, a dark-eyed youngster in a grey shirt and blue trousers patched at the knees.


“What are you standing there for like a dummy?”


The lad threw a look of silent hatred at his questioner. “I haven’t any pockets,” he replied sullenly, running his hands over the sides of his trousers.


“No pockets, eh? You think I don’t know who could have played such a scoundrelly trick as to spoil my dough? You think I’m going to let you off again? Oh no, my boy, you shall suffer for this. Last time I allowed you to stay in this school because your mother begged me to keep you, but now I’m finished with you. Out with you!” He seized the boy painfully by the ear and threw him out into the corridor, slamming the door after him.


The class sat silent, cowed. None of the children could understand why Pavel Korchagin had been ejected, none but Sergei Bruzzhak, who was Pavel’s closest friend. He had seen him sprinkle a fistful of home-grown tobacco into the Easter cake dough in the priest’s kitchen where six backward pupils had waited for the priest to come and hear them repeat their lesson.


Now Pavel sat down on the bottom step of the school-house and wondered di**ally what his mother would say when he told her what had happened, his poor hard-working mother who toiled from morning till night as cook at the excise inspector’s.


Tears choked him.


“What shall I do? It’s all because of that damned priest. What on earth made me go and put that tobacco in his dough? It was Seryozhka’s idea. ‘Let’s play a trick on the old beast,’ he says. So we did. And now Seryozhka’s got off and I’ll likely be kicked out.”


His feud with Father Vasili was of long standing. It dated back to the day he had a scrap with Mishka Levchenkov and in punishment was kept in after lessons. To keep the lad out of mischief in the empty classroom, the teacher took him to the second grade to sit in at a lesson. Pavel took a seat at the back.


The teacher, a wizened little man in a black jacket, was telling the class about the earth and the heavenly bodies, and Pavel gaped with amazement when he learned that the earth had been in existence for millions of years and that the stars too were worlds. So startled was he by what he had heard that he barely refrained from getting up and blurting out: “That isn’t what the Bible says!”


But he was afraid of getting into more hot water.


The priest had always given Pavel full marks for Scripture. He knew almost the whole prayer book practically by heart, and the Old and New Testament as well.


He knew exactly what God had created on each day of the week. Now he resolved to take the matter up with Father Vasili.


At the very next lesson, before the priest had time to settle himself properly in his chair, Pavel raised his hand and, having obtained permission to speak, he got up.


“Father, why does the teacher in the second grade say the earth is millions of years old, instead of what the Bible says, five thou…”


A hoarse cry from Father Vasili cut him short. “What did you say, you scoundrel? So that’s how you learn your Scripture!”


And before Pavel knew what had happened the priest had seized him by the ears and was banging his head against the wall. A few minutes later, shaken with fright and pain, he found himself outside in the corridor.


His mother too had given him a good scolding that time. And the following day she had gone to the school and begged Father Vasili to take him back. From that day Pavel hated the priest with all his soul. Hated and feared him. His childish heart rebelled against any injustice, however slight. He could not forgive the priest for the undeserved beating, and he grew sullen and bitter.


Pavel suffered many a slight at the hands of Father Vasili after that. The priest was forever sending him out of the classroom; day after day for weeks on end he made him stand in the corner for trifling misdemeanours and never called on him to answer questions, with the result that on the eve of the Easter holidays Pavel had to go with the backward boys to the priest’s house to be reexamined. It was there in the kitchen that he had dropped the tobacco into the dough.


No one had seen him do it, but the priest had guessed at once who was to blame.


The lesson ended at last and the children poured out into the yard and crowded round Pavel, who maintained a gloomy silence. Sergei Bruzzhak lingered behind in the classroom. He felt that he too was guilty, but he could do nothing to help his friend.


Yefrem Vasilievich, the headmaster, poked his head out of the open window of the common room and shouted: “Send Korchagin to me at once!” Pavel jumped at the sound of the headmaster’s deep bass voice, and with pounding heart obeyed his summons.


The proprietor of the railway station restaurant, a pale middle-aged man with faded, colourless eyes, glanced briefly at Pavel.


“How old is he?”




“All right, he can stay. He’ll get eight rubles a month and his food on the days he works. He’ll work twenty-four hours at a stretch every other day. But mind, no pilfering.”


“Oh no, sir. He won’t steal, I’ll answer for that,” the mother hastened fearfully to assure him.


“Let him start in today,” ordered the proprietor and, turning to the woman behind the counter, said: “Zina, take the boy to the kitchen and tell Frosya to put him to work instead of Grishka.”


The barmaid laid down the knife with which she had been slicing ham, nodded to Pavel and led the way across the hall to a side door opening into the scullery. Pavel followed her. His mother hurried after him and whispered quickly into his ear: “Now Pavlushka, dear, do your best, and don’t disgrace yourself.”


With sad eyes she watched him go, and left.


Work in the scullery was in full swing; plates, forks and knives were piled high on the table and several women were wiping them with towels flung over their shoulders.


A boy slightly older than Pavel, with a shaggy mop of ginger hair, was tending two huge samovars.


The scullery was full of steam that rose from the large vat of boiling water in which the dishes were washed, and Pavel could not see the faces of the women at first. He stood waiting uncertainly for someone to tell him what to do.


Zina, the barmaid, went over to one of the dishwashers and touched her shoulder. “Here, Frosya, I’ve brought you a new boy to take Grishka’s place. You tell him what he’s to do.”


“She’s in charge here,” Zina said to Pavel, nodding toward the woman she had called Frosya. “She’ll tell you what you have to do.” And with that she turned and went back to the buffet.


“All right,” Pavel replied softly and looked questioningly at Frosya.


Wiping her perspiring brow she examined him critically from head to foot, then, rolling up her sleeve which had slipped over her elbow, she said in a deep and remarkably pleasant voice:


“It’s not much of a job, dearie, but it will keep you busy enough. That copper over there has to be heated in the morning and kept hot so there’s boiling water all the time; then there’s the wood to chop and the samovars to take care of besides. You’ll have to clean the knives and forks sometimes and carry out the slops.”


“There’ll be plenty to do, lad,” she said, speaking with a marked Kostroma accent laying the stress on the “a’s”. Her manner of speaking and her flushed face with the **all turned-up nose made Pavel feel better.


“She seems quite decent,” he concluded, and overcoming his shyness, said: “What am I to do now, Auntie?”


A loud guffaw from the dishwashers met his words.


“Ha! Ha! Frosya’s gone and got herself a nephew…”


Frosya herself laughed even more heartily than the others.


Through the cloud of steam Pavel had not noticed that Frosya was a young girl; she was no more than eigh**.


Much embarrassed, he turned to the boy and asked: “What do I do now?”


But the boy merely chuckled. “You ask Auntie, she’ll tell you all about it. I’m off.” Whereupon he darted through the door leading to the kitchen.


“Come over here and help dry the forks,” said one of the dishwashers, a middle-aged woman.


“Stop your cackling,” she admonished the others. “The lad didn’t say anything funny. Here, take this.” She handed Pavel a dish towel. “Hold one end between your teeth and pull the other end tight. Here’s a fork, run it up and down the towel, and see you don’t leave any dirt between the prongs. They’re very strict about that here. The customers always inspect the forks and if they find a speck of dirt, they make a terrible fuss, and the mistress will send you flying out in a jiffy.”


“The mistress?” Pavel echoed. “I thought the master who hired me was in charge.”


The dishwasher laughed. “The master, my lad, is just a stick of furniture around here. The mistress is the boss. She isn’t here today. But if you work here a while you’ll see for yourself.”


The scullery door opened and three waiters entered carrying trays piled high with dirty dishes.


One of them, a broad-shouldered cross-eyed man with a heavy, square jaw, said: “You’d better look lively. The 12 o’clock is due any minute, and here you are dawdling about.”


He looked at Pavel. “Who’s this?” he asked.


“That’s the new boy,” said Frosya.


“Ah, the new boy,” he said. “Well, listen, my lad.” He laid his heavy hands on Pavel’s shoulders and pushed him over to the samovars. “You’re supposed to keep them boiling all the time, and look, one of them’s out, and the other is barely going. Don’t let it happen again or I’ll beat the stuffings out of you!”


Pavel busied himself with the samovars without a word.


Thus began his life of toil. Never had Pavka worked so hard as on that first day. He realised that this was not home where he could afford to disobey his mother. The cross-eyed waiter had made it quite plain that if he did not do as he was told, he would suffer for it.


Placing one of his top-boots over the chimney and using it as a bellows, Pave! soon had the sparks flying from the large pot-bellied samovars. He picked up the slop pail and rushed out to the garbage dump, added firewood to the water boiler, dried the wet dish towels on the hot samovars — in a word, did everything he was told to do. Late that night when he went off wearily to the kitchen, Anisia, the middle-aged dishwasher, with a glance at the door that had closed behind him, remarked: “Something queer about that boy, look at the way he dashes about like mad. Must have been a good reason for putting him to work.”


“He’s a good worker,” said Frosya. “Needs no speeding up.”


“He’ll soon cool off,” was Lusha’s opinion. “They all try hard in the beginning…”


At seven o’clock the next morning, Pavel, utterly exhausted after a whole night spent on his feet, turned the boiling samovars over to the boy who was to relieve him.


The latter, a puffy-faced youngster with a mean look in his eyes, examined the boiling samovars, and having assured himself that all was in order, thrust his hands into his pockets and spat through his teeth with an air of scornful superiority. “Now listen, snotnose!” he said in an aggressive tone, fixing Pavel with his colourless eyes. “See you’re on the job here tomorrow at six sharp.”


“Why at six?” Pavka wanted to know. “The shift changes at seven, doesn’t it?”


“Never mind when the shift changes. You get here at six. And you’d better not blab too much or I’ll **ash your silly mug for you. Some cheek, only started in today and already putting on airs.”


The dishwashers who had just finished their shift listened with interest to the exchange between the two boys. The blustering tone and bullying manner of the other enraged Pavel. He took a step toward his tormentor and was about to lash out at him with his fists when the fear of losing his newly acquired job stopped him.


“Stop your noise,” he said, his face dark with rage, “and keep off or you’ll get more than you bargained for. I’ll be here at seven tomorrow, and I can use my fists as good as you can. Maybe you’d like to try? I’m game.”


His a**ersary cowered back against the boiler, gaping with surprise at the bristling Pavel.


He had not expected such a determined rebuff.


“All right, all right, we’ll see,” he muttered.


Pavel, his first day at work having passed without mishap, hurried home with a sense of having honestly earned his rest. Now he too was a worker and no one could accuse him of being a parasite.


The morning sun was already climbing above the sprawling buildings of the sawmill. Before long the tiny house where Pavel lived would come into view, just behind the Leszczinski garden.


“Mother must have just got up, and here I am coming home from work,” Pavel thought, and he quickened his pace, whistling as he went. “It turned out not so bad being kicked out of school. That damned priest wouldn’t have given me any peace anyway, and he can go to hell now for all I care. As for that gingerhead,” he said to himself as he opened the gate, “I’ll punch his face for certain.”


His mother, who was lighting the samovar in the yard, looked up at her son’s approach and asked anxiously: “Well, how was it?”


“Fine,” Pavel replied.


His mother was about to say something when through the open window Pavel caught a glimpse of his brother Artem’s broad back.


“Artem’s come home?” he asked, worried.


“Yes, he came last night. He’s going to stay here and work at the railway yards.”


With some hesitation Pavel opened the front door.




1. Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine – Stereo Hearts

2. Tinie Tempah ft. Eric Turner – Written In The Stars

3. Nelly – Just a Dream

4. Sean Paul ft. Alexis Jordan – Got 2 Luv U

5. De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig – Sterrenstof

6. Rihanna – What’s my Name

7. Hot Chelle Rae – Tonight Tonight

8. The Black Eyed Peas – Just Can't Get Enough

9. Adele – Rolling In The Deep

10. Ke$ha – We R Who We R

11. Jason Derulo – Don't Wanna Go Home

12. Katy Perry – Firework

13. Dj Antoine vs Timati ft. Kalenna – Welcome To St. Tropez

14. Far East Movement ft. The Cataracs – Like A G6

15. Bingo Players – Cry (Just a Little)

16. Alexis Jordan – Happiness

17. Alex Gaudino – I'm In Love (I Wanna Do It)

18. Avicii – Fade Into Darkness

19. Avicii – Levels

20. Swedish House Mafia – Save The World

21. Beyoncé – Run The World (Girls)

22. The Partysquad & Reverse ft. Gers, Adje & Jayh – Ik Ga Hard

23. Duck Sauce – Barbra Streisand

24. LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett – Party Rock Anthem

25. Bruno Mars – Just The Way You Are (Rutger van Gelder Bootleg)

26. Elena – Midnight Sun

27. Elena – Disco Romancing

28. Inna – Sun Is Up

29. David Guetta ft. Rihanna – Who's That Chick

30. Cobra Starship ft. Sabi – You Make Me Feel

31. Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)

32. Martin Solveig & Dragonette – Hello

33. R.I.O. – Miss Sunshine

34. Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo – Give Me Everything

35. David Guetta ft. Nicki Mina – Where Them Girls At

36. Usher – More (RedOne Jimmy Joker Remix)

37. LMFAO ft. Natalia Kills – Champagne Showers

38. David Guetta ft. Taio Cruz – Little Bad Girl

39. Don Omar ft. Lucenzo – Danza Kuduro

40. Calvin Harris ft. Kelis – Bounce

41. Snoop Dogg ft. David Guetta – Sweat

42. Milk & Sugar vs. Vaya Con Dios – Hey (Nah Neh Nah)

43. Chris Brown – Yeah 3x

44. Taio Cruz ft. Flo Rida – Hangover

45. Chris Brown ft. Benny Benassi – Beautiful People

46. Alexandra Stan – Mr Saxobeat

47. Rihanna – S&M

48. Sak Noel – Loca People

49. LMFAO – Sexy and I Know It

50. David Guetta ft. Sia – Titanium

51. Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris – We Found Love

52. Nadia Ali – Rapture

53. Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera – Moves Like Jagger

54. Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull & The WAVs – I Like How It Feels

55. Avicii – Street Dancer

56. Tiësto vs. Diplo ft. Busta Rhymes – C'mon (Catch 'Em By Surprise)

57. Britney Spears – Hold It Against Me

58. Gotye ft. Kimbra – Somebody That I Used To Know

59. DJ Fresh ft Sian Evans – Louder

60. Mord Fustang – A New World

61. Skrillex – First Of The Year (Equinox)






鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的 How The Steel Was Tempered

作者:尼古拉·奧斯特洛夫斯基 (Nikolai Alexeevich Ostrovsky) [前蘇聯(lián)]



“Those of you who came to my house to be examined before the Easter holidays, stand up!” The speaker, a corpulent man in the garb of a priest, with a heavy cross dangling from his neck, fixed the class with a baleful glare.


His **all hard eyes seemed to bore through the six children — four boys and two girls — who rose from their seats and looked at the man in the robe with apprehension.


“You sit down,” the priest said, motioning to the girls.


The girls hastily complied, with sighs of relief.


Father Vasili’s slits of eyes focussed on the other four.


“Now then, my fine lads, come over here!”


Father Vasili rose, pushed back his chair and walked up to the group of boys who stood huddled close together.


“Which of you young ruffians **okes?”


“We don’t **oke, father,” the four answered timidly.


The blood rushed to the priest’s face.


“You don’t **oke, eh, you scoundrels? Then who put the tobacco in the dough? Tell me that! We’ll see whether you **oke or not. Now then, turn out your pockets! Come on, turn them out, I say!”


Three of the boys proceeded to empty the contents of their pockets onto the table.


The priest inspected the seams carefully for grains of tobacco, but found nothing, whereupon he turned to the fourth lad, a dark-eyed youngster in a grey shirt and blue trousers patched at the knees.


“What are you standing there for like a dummy?”


The lad threw a look of silent hatred at his questioner. “I haven’t any pockets,” he replied sullenly, running his hands over the sides of his trousers.


“No pockets, eh? You think I don’t know who could have played such a scoundrelly trick as to spoil my dough? You think I’m going to let you off again? Oh no, my boy, you shall suffer for this. Last time I allowed you to stay in this school because your mother begged me to keep you, but now I’m finished with you. Out with you!” He seized the boy painfully by the ear and threw him out into the corridor, slamming the door after him.


The class sat silent, cowed. None of the children could understand why Pavel Korchagin had been ejected, none but Sergei Bruzzhak, who was Pavel’s closest friend. He had seen him sprinkle a fistful of home-grown tobacco into the Easter cake dough in the priest’s kitchen where six backward pupils had waited for the priest to come and hear them repeat their lesson.


Now Pavel sat down on the bottom step of the school-house and wondered di**ally what his mother would say when he told her what had happened, his poor hard-working mother who toiled from morning till night as cook at the excise inspector’s.


Tears choked him.


“What shall I do? It’s all because of that damned priest. What on earth made me go and put that tobacco in his dough? It was Seryozhka’s idea. ‘Let’s play a trick on the old beast,’ he says. So we did. And now Seryozhka’s got off and I’ll likely be kicked out.”


His feud with Father Vasili was of long standing. It dated back to the day he had a scrap with Mishka Levchenkov and in punishment was kept in after lessons. To keep the lad out of mischief in the empty classroom, the teacher took him to the second grade to sit in at a lesson. Pavel took a seat at the back.


The teacher, a wizened little man in a black jacket, was telling the class about the earth and the heavenly bodies, and Pavel gaped with amazement when he learned that the earth had been in existence for millions of years and that the stars too were worlds. So startled was he by what he had heard that he barely refrained from getting up and blurting out: “That isn’t what the Bible says!”


But he was afraid of getting into more hot water.


The priest had always given Pavel full marks for Scripture. He knew almost the whole prayer book practically by heart, and the Old and New Testament as well.


He knew exactly what God had created on each day of the week. Now he resolved to take the matter up with Father Vasili.


At the very next lesson, before the priest had time to settle himself properly in his chair, Pavel raised his hand and, having obtained permission to speak, he got up.


“Father, why does the teacher in the second grade say the earth is millions of years old, instead of what the Bible says, five thou…”


A hoarse cry from Father Vasili cut him short. “What did you say, you scoundrel? So that’s how you learn your Scripture!”


And before Pavel knew what had happened the priest had seized him by the ears and was banging his head against the wall. A few minutes later, shaken with fright and pain, he found himself outside in the corridor.


His mother too had given him a good scolding that time. And the following day she had gone to the school and begged Father Vasili to take him back. From that day Pavel hated the priest with all his soul. Hated and feared him. His childish heart rebelled against any injustice, however slight. He could not forgive the priest for the undeserved beating, and he grew sullen and bitter.


Pavel suffered many a slight at the hands of Father Vasili after that. The priest was forever sending him out of the classroom; day after day for weeks on end he made him stand in the corner for trifling misdemeanours and never called on him to answer questions, with the result that on the eve of the Easter holidays Pavel had to go with the backward boys to the priest’s house to be reexamined. It was there in the kitchen that he had dropped the tobacco into the dough.


No one had seen him do it, but the priest had guessed at once who was to blame.


The lesson ended at last and the children poured out into the yard and crowded round Pavel, who maintained a gloomy silence. Sergei Bruzzhak lingered behind in the classroom. He felt that he too was guilty, but he could do nothing to help his friend.


Yefrem Vasilievich, the headmaster, poked his head out of the open window of the common room and shouted: “Send Korchagin to me at once!” Pavel jumped at the sound of the headmaster’s deep bass voice, and with pounding heart obeyed his summons.


The proprietor of the railway station restaurant, a pale middle-aged man with faded, colourless eyes, glanced briefly at Pavel.


“How old is he?”




“All right, he can stay. He’ll get eight rubles a month and his food on the days he works. He’ll work twenty-four hours at a stretch every other day. But mind, no pilfering.”


“Oh no, sir. He won’t steal, I’ll answer for that,” the mother hastened fearfully to assure him.


“Let him start in today,” ordered the proprietor and, turning to the woman behind the counter, said: “Zina, take the boy to the kitchen and tell Frosya to put him to work instead of Grishka.”


The barmaid laid down the knife with which she had been slicing ham, nodded to Pavel and led the way across the hall to a side door opening into the scullery. Pavel followed her. His mother hurried after him and whispered quickly into his ear: “Now Pavlushka, dear, do your best, and don’t disgrace yourself.”


With sad eyes she watched him go, and left.


Work in the scullery was in full swing; plates, forks and knives were piled high on the table and several women were wiping them with towels flung over their shoulders.


A boy slightly older than Pavel, with a shaggy mop of ginger hair, was tending two huge samovars.


The scullery was full of steam that rose from the large vat of boiling water in which the dishes were washed, and Pavel could not see the faces of the women at first. He stood waiting uncertainly for someone to tell him what to do.


Zina, the barmaid, went over to one of the dishwashers and touched her shoulder. “Here, Frosya, I’ve brought you a new boy to take Grishka’s place. You tell him what he’s to do.”


“She’s in charge here,” Zina said to Pavel, nodding toward the woman she had called Frosya. “She’ll tell you what you have to do.” And with that she turned and went back to the buffet.


“All right,” Pavel replied softly and looked questioningly at Frosya.


Wiping her perspiring brow she examined him critically from head to foot, then, rolling up her sleeve which had slipped over her elbow, she said in a deep and remarkably pleasant voice:


“It’s not much of a job, dearie, but it will keep you busy enough. That copper over there has to be heated in the morning and kept hot so there’s boiling water all the time; then there’s the wood to chop and the samovars to take care of besides. You’ll have to clean the knives and forks sometimes and carry out the slops.”


“There’ll be plenty to do, lad,” she said, speaking with a marked Kostroma accent laying the stress on the “a’s”. Her manner of speaking and her flushed face with the **all turned-up nose made Pavel feel better.


“She seems quite decent,” he concluded, and overcoming his shyness, said: “What am I to do now, Auntie?”


A loud guffaw from the dishwashers met his words.


“Ha! Ha! Frosya’s gone and got herself a nephew…”


Frosya herself laughed even more heartily than the others.


Through the cloud of steam Pavel had not noticed that Frosya was a young girl; she was no more than eigh**.


Much embarrassed, he turned to the boy and asked: “What do I do now?”


But the boy merely chuckled. “You ask Auntie, she’ll tell you all about it. I’m off.” Whereupon he darted through the door leading to the kitchen.


“Come over here and help dry the forks,” said one of the dishwashers, a middle-aged woman.


“Stop your cackling,” she admonished the others. “The lad didn’t say anything funny. Here, take this.” She handed Pavel a dish towel. “Hold one end between your teeth and pull the other end tight. Here’s a fork, run it up and down the towel, and see you don’t leave any dirt between the prongs. They’re very strict about that here. The customers always inspect the forks and if they find a speck of dirt, they make a terrible fuss, and the mistress will send you flying out in a jiffy.”


“The mistress?” Pavel echoed. “I thought the master who hired me was in charge.”


The dishwasher laughed. “The master, my lad, is just a stick of furniture around here. The mistress is the boss. She isn’t here today. But if you work here a while you’ll see for yourself.”


The scullery door opened and three waiters entered carrying trays piled high with dirty dishes.


One of them, a broad-shouldered cross-eyed man with a heavy, square jaw, said: “You’d better look lively. The 12 o’clock is due any minute, and here you are dawdling about.”


He looked at Pavel. “Who’s this?” he asked.


“That’s the new boy,” said Frosya.


“Ah, the new boy,” he said. “Well, listen, my lad.” He laid his heavy hands on Pavel’s shoulders and pushed him over to the samovars. “You’re supposed to keep them boiling all the time, and look, one of them’s out, and the other is barely going. Don’t let it happen again or I’ll beat the stuffings out of you!”


Pavel busied himself with the samovars without a word.


Thus began his life of toil. Never had Pavka worked so hard as on that first day. He realised that this was not home where he could afford to disobey his mother. The cross-eyed waiter had made it quite plain that if he did not do as he was told, he would suffer for it.


Placing one of his top-boots over the chimney and using it as a bellows, Pave! soon had the sparks flying from the large pot-bellied samovars. He picked up the slop pail and rushed out to the garbage dump, added firewood to the water boiler, dried the wet dish towels on the hot samovars — in a word, did everything he was told to do. Late that night when he went off wearily to the kitchen, Anisia, the middle-aged dishwasher, with a glance at the door that had closed behind him, remarked: “Something queer about that boy, look at the way he dashes about like mad. Must have been a good reason for putting him to work.”


“He’s a good worker,” said Frosya. “Needs no speeding up.”


“He’ll soon cool off,” was Lusha’s opinion. “They all try hard in the beginning…”


At seven o’clock the next morning, Pavel, utterly exhausted after a whole night spent on his feet, turned the boiling samovars over to the boy who was to relieve him.


The latter, a puffy-faced youngster with a mean look in his eyes, examined the boiling samovars, and having assured himself that all was in order, thrust his hands into his pockets and spat through his teeth with an air of scornful superiority. “Now listen, snotnose!” he said in an aggressive tone, fixing Pavel with his colourless eyes. “See you’re on the job here tomorrow at six sharp.”


“Why at six?” Pavka wanted to know. “The shift changes at seven, doesn’t it?”


“Never mind when the shift changes. You get here at six. And you’d better not blab too much or I’ll **ash your silly mug for you. Some cheek, only started in today and already putting on airs.”


The dishwashers who had just finished their shift listened with interest to the exchange between the two boys. The blustering tone and bullying manner of the other enraged Pavel. He took a step toward his tormentor and was about to lash out at him with his fists when the fear of losing his newly acquired job stopped him.


“Stop your noise,” he said, his face dark with rage, “and keep off or you’ll get more than you bargained for. I’ll be here at seven tomorrow, and I can use my fists as good as you can. Maybe you’d like to try? I’m game.”


His a**ersary cowered back against the boiler, gaping with surprise at the bristling Pavel.


He had not expected such a determined rebuff.


“All right, all right, we’ll see,” he muttered.


Pavel, his first day at work having passed without mishap, hurried home with a sense of having honestly earned his rest. Now he too was a worker and no one could accuse him of being a parasite.


The morning sun was already climbing above the sprawling buildings of the sawmill. Before long the tiny house where Pavel lived would come into view, just behind the Leszczinski garden.


“Mother must have just got up, and here I am coming home from work,” Pavel thought, and he quickened his pace, whistling as he went. “It turned out not so bad being kicked out of school. That damned priest wouldn’t have given me any peace anyway, and he can go to hell now for all I care. As for that gingerhead,” he said to himself as he opened the gate, “I’ll punch his face for certain.”


His mother, who was lighting the samovar in the yard, looked up at her son’s approach and asked anxiously: “Well, how was it?”


“Fine,” Pavel replied.


His mother was about to say something when through the open window Pavel caught a glimpse of his brother Artem’s broad back.


“Artem’s come home?” he asked, worried.


“Yes, he came last night. He’s going to stay here and work at the railway yards.”


With some hesitation Pavel opened the front door.




1. Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine – Stereo Hearts

2. Tinie Tempah ft. Eric Turner – Written In The Stars

3. Nelly – Just a Dream

4. Sean Paul ft. Alexis Jordan – Got 2 Luv U

5. De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig – Sterrenstof

6. Rihanna – What’s my Name

7. Hot Chelle Rae – Tonight Tonight

8. The Black Eyed Peas – Just Can't Get Enough

9. Adele – Rolling In The Deep

10. Ke$ha – We R Who We R

11. Jason Derulo – Don't Wanna Go Home

12. Katy Perry – Firework

13. Dj Antoine vs Timati ft. Kalenna – Welcome To St. Tropez

14. Far East Movement ft. The Cataracs – Like A G6

15. Bingo Players – Cry (Just a Little)

16. Alexis Jordan – Happiness

17. Alex Gaudino – I'm In Love (I Wanna Do It)

18. Avicii – Fade Into Darkness

19. Avicii – Levels

20. Swedish House Mafia – Save The World

21. Beyoncé – Run The World (Girls)

22. The Partysquad & Reverse ft. Gers, Adje & Jayh – Ik Ga Hard

23. Duck Sauce – Barbra Streisand

24. LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett – Party Rock Anthem

25. Bruno Mars – Just The Way You Are (Rutger van Gelder Bootleg)

26. Elena – Midnight Sun

27. Elena – Disco Romancing

28. Inna – Sun Is Up

29. David Guetta ft. Rihanna – Who's That Chick

30. Cobra Starship ft. Sabi – You Make Me Feel

31. Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)

32. Martin Solveig & Dragonette – Hello

33. R.I.O. – Miss Sunshine

34. Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo – Give Me Everything

35. David Guetta ft. Nicki Mina – Where Them Girls At

36. Usher – More (RedOne Jimmy Joker Remix)

37. LMFAO ft. Natalia Kills – Champagne Showers

38. David Guetta ft. Taio Cruz – Little Bad Girl

39. Don Omar ft. Lucenzo – Danza Kuduro

40. Calvin Harris ft. Kelis – Bounce

41. Snoop Dogg ft. David Guetta – Sweat

42. Milk & Sugar vs. Vaya Con Dios – Hey (Nah Neh Nah)

43. Chris Brown – Yeah 3x

44. Taio Cruz ft. Flo Rida – Hangover

45. Chris Brown ft. Benny Benassi – Beautiful People

46. Alexandra Stan – Mr Saxobeat

47. Rihanna – S&M

48. Sak Noel – Loca People

49. LMFAO – Sexy and I Know It

50. David Guetta ft. Sia – Titanium

51. Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris – We Found Love

52. Nadia Ali – Rapture

53. Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera – Moves Like Jagger

54. Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull & The WAVs – I Like How It Feels

55. Avicii – Street Dancer

56. Tiësto vs. Diplo ft. Busta Rhymes – C'mon (Catch 'Em By Surprise)

57. Britney Spears – Hold It Against Me

58. Gotye ft. Kimbra – Somebody That I Used To Know

59. DJ Fresh ft Sian Evans – Louder

60. Mord Fustang – A New World

61. Skrillex – First Of The Year (Equinox)






鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的 How The Steel Was Tempered

作者:尼古拉·奧斯特洛夫斯基 (Nikolai Alexeevich Ostrovsky) [前蘇聯(lián)]



“Those of you who came to my house to be examined before the Easter holidays, stand up!” The speaker, a corpulent man in the garb of a priest, with a heavy cross dangling from his neck, fixed the class with a baleful glare.


His **all hard eyes seemed to bore through the six children — four boys and two girls — who rose from their seats and looked at the man in the robe with apprehension.


“You sit down,” the priest said, motioning to the girls.


The girls hastily complied, with sighs of relief.


Father Vasili’s slits of eyes focussed on the other four.


“Now then, my fine lads, come over here!”


Father Vasili rose, pushed back his chair and walked up to the group of boys who stood huddled close together.


“Which of you young ruffians **okes?”


“We don’t **oke, father,” the four answered timidly.


The blood rushed to the priest’s face.


“You don’t **oke, eh, you scoundrels? Then who put the tobacco in the dough? Tell me that! We’ll see whether you **oke or not. Now then, turn out your pockets! Come on, turn them out, I say!”


Three of the boys proceeded to empty the contents of their pockets onto the table.


The priest inspected the seams carefully for grains of tobacco, but found nothing, whereupon he turned to the fourth lad, a dark-eyed youngster in a grey shirt and blue trousers patched at the knees.


“What are you standing there for like a dummy?”


The lad threw a look of silent hatred at his questioner. “I haven’t any pockets,” he replied sullenly, running his hands over the sides of his trousers.


“No pockets, eh? You think I don’t know who could have played such a scoundrelly trick as to spoil my dough? You think I’m going to let you off again? Oh no, my boy, you shall suffer for this. Last time I allowed you to stay in this school because your mother begged me to keep you, but now I’m finished with you. Out with you!” He seized the boy painfully by the ear and threw him out into the corridor, slamming the door after him.


The class sat silent, cowed. None of the children could understand why Pavel Korchagin had been ejected, none but Sergei Bruzzhak, who was Pavel’s closest friend. He had seen him sprinkle a fistful of home-grown tobacco into the Easter cake dough in the priest’s kitchen where six backward pupils had waited for the priest to come and hear them repeat their lesson.


Now Pavel sat down on the bottom step of the school-house and wondered di**ally what his mother would say when he told her what had happened, his poor hard-working mother who toiled from morning till night as cook at the excise inspector’s.


Tears choked him.


“What shall I do? It’s all because of that damned priest. What on earth made me go and put that tobacco in his dough? It was Seryozhka’s idea. ‘Let’s play a trick on the old beast,’ he says. So we did. And now Seryozhka’s got off and I’ll likely be kicked out.”


His feud with Father Vasili was of long standing. It dated back to the day he had a scrap with Mishka Levchenkov and in punishment was kept in after lessons. To keep the lad out of mischief in the empty classroom, the teacher took him to the second grade to sit in at a lesson. Pavel took a seat at the back.


The teacher, a wizened little man in a black jacket, was telling the class about the earth and the heavenly bodies, and Pavel gaped with amazement when he learned that the earth had been in existence for millions of years and that the stars too were worlds. So startled was he by what he had heard that he barely refrained from getting up and blurting out: “That isn’t what the Bible says!”


But he was afraid of getting into more hot water.


The priest had always given Pavel full marks for Scripture. He knew almost the whole prayer book practically by heart, and the Old and New Testament as well.


He knew exactly what God had created on each day of the week. Now he resolved to take the matter up with Father Vasili.


At the very next lesson, before the priest had time to settle himself properly in his chair, Pavel raised his hand and, having obtained permission to speak, he got up.


“Father, why does the teacher in the second grade say the earth is millions of years old, instead of what the Bible says, five thou…”


A hoarse cry from Father Vasili cut him short. “What did you say, you scoundrel? So that’s how you learn your Scripture!”


And before Pavel knew what had happened the priest had seized him by the ears and was banging his head against the wall. A few minutes later, shaken with fright and pain, he found himself outside in the corridor.


His mother too had given him a good scolding that time. And the following day she had gone to the school and begged Father Vasili to take him back. From that day Pavel hated the priest with all his soul. Hated and feared him. His childish heart rebelled against any injustice, however slight. He could not forgive the priest for the undeserved beating, and he grew sullen and bitter.


Pavel suffered many a slight at the hands of Father Vasili after that. The priest was forever sending him out of the classroom; day after day for weeks on end he made him stand in the corner for trifling misdemeanours and never called on him to answer questions, with the result that on the eve of the Easter holidays Pavel had to go with the backward boys to the priest’s house to be reexamined. It was there in the kitchen that he had dropped the tobacco into the dough.


No one had seen him do it, but the priest had guessed at once who was to blame.


The lesson ended at last and the children poured out into the yard and crowded round Pavel, who maintained a gloomy silence. Sergei Bruzzhak lingered behind in the classroom. He felt that he too was guilty, but he could do nothing to help his friend.


Yefrem Vasilievich, the headmaster, poked his head out of the open window of the common room and shouted: “Send Korchagin to me at once!” Pavel jumped at the sound of the headmaster’s deep bass voice, and with pounding heart obeyed his summons.


The proprietor of the railway station restaurant, a pale middle-aged man with faded, colourless eyes, glanced briefly at Pavel.


“How old is he?”




“All right, he can stay. He’ll get eight rubles a month and his food on the days he works. He’ll work twenty-four hours at a stretch every other day. But mind, no pilfering.”


“Oh no, sir. He won’t steal, I’ll answer for that,” the mother hastened fearfully to assure him.


“Let him start in today,” ordered the proprietor and, turning to the woman behind the counter, said: “Zina, take the boy to the kitchen and tell Frosya to put him to work instead of Grishka.”


The barmaid laid down the knife with which she had been slicing ham, nodded to Pavel and led the way across the hall to a side door opening into the scullery. Pavel followed her. His mother hurried after him and whispered quickly into his ear: “Now Pavlushka, dear, do your best, and don’t disgrace yourself.”


With sad eyes she watched him go, and left.


Work in the scullery was in full swing; plates, forks and knives were piled high on the table and several women were wiping them with towels flung over their shoulders.


A boy slightly older than Pavel, with a shaggy mop of ginger hair, was tending two huge samovars.


The scullery was full of steam that rose from the large vat of boiling water in which the dishes were washed, and Pavel could not see the faces of the women at first. He stood waiting uncertainly for someone to tell him what to do.


Zina, the barmaid, went over to one of the dishwashers and touched her shoulder. “Here, Frosya, I’ve brought you a new boy to take Grishka’s place. You tell him what he’s to do.”


“She’s in charge here,” Zina said to Pavel, nodding toward the woman she had called Frosya. “She’ll tell you what you have to do.” And with that she turned and went back to the buffet.


“All right,” Pavel replied softly and looked questioningly at Frosya.


Wiping her perspiring brow she examined him critically from head to foot, then, rolling up her sleeve which had slipped over her elbow, she said in a deep and remarkably pleasant voice:


“It’s not much of a job, dearie, but it will keep you busy enough. That copper over there has to be heated in the morning and kept hot so there’s boiling water all the time; then there’s the wood to chop and the samovars to take care of besides. You’ll have to clean the knives and forks sometimes and carry out the slops.”


“There’ll be plenty to do, lad,” she said, speaking with a marked Kostroma accent laying the stress on the “a’s”. Her manner of speaking and her flushed face with the **all turned-up nose made Pavel feel better.


“She seems quite decent,” he concluded, and overcoming his shyness, said: “What am I to do now, Auntie?”


A loud guffaw from the dishwashers met his words.


“Ha! Ha! Frosya’s gone and got herself a nephew…”


Frosya herself laughed even more heartily than the others.


Through the cloud of steam Pavel had not noticed that Frosya was a young girl; she was no more than eigh**.


Much embarrassed, he turned to the boy and asked: “What do I do now?”


But the boy merely chuckled. “You ask Auntie, she’ll tell you all about it. I’m off.” Whereupon he darted through the door leading to the kitchen.


“Come over here and help dry the forks,” said one of the dishwashers, a middle-aged woman.


“Stop your cackling,” she admonished the others. “The lad didn’t say anything funny. Here, take this.” She handed Pavel a dish towel. “Hold one end between your teeth and pull the other end tight. Here’s a fork, run it up and down the towel, and see you don’t leave any dirt between the prongs. They’re very strict about that here. The customers always inspect the forks and if they find a speck of dirt, they make a terrible fuss, and the mistress will send you flying out in a jiffy.”


“The mistress?” Pavel echoed. “I thought the master who hired me was in charge.”


The dishwasher laughed. “The master, my lad, is just a stick of furniture around here. The mistress is the boss. She isn’t here today. But if you work here a while you’ll see for yourself.”


The scullery door opened and three waiters entered carrying trays piled high with dirty dishes.


One of them, a broad-shouldered cross-eyed man with a heavy, square jaw, said: “You’d better look lively. The 12 o’clock is due any minute, and here you are dawdling about.”


He looked at Pavel. “Who’s this?” he asked.


“That’s the new boy,” said Frosya.


“Ah, the new boy,” he said. “Well, listen, my lad.” He laid his heavy hands on Pavel’s shoulders and pushed him over to the samovars. “You’re supposed to keep them boiling all the time, and look, one of them’s out, and the other is barely going. Don’t let it happen again or I’ll beat the stuffings out of you!”


Pavel busied himself with the samovars without a word.


Thus began his life of toil. Never had Pavka worked so hard as on that first day. He realised that this was not home where he could afford to disobey his mother. The cross-eyed waiter had made it quite plain that if he did not do as he was told, he would suffer for it.


Placing one of his top-boots over the chimney and using it as a bellows, Pave! soon had the sparks flying from the large pot-bellied samovars. He picked up the slop pail and rushed out to the garbage dump, added firewood to the water boiler, dried the wet dish towels on the hot samovars — in a word, did everything he was told to do. Late that night when he went off wearily to the kitchen, Anisia, the middle-aged dishwasher, with a glance at the door that had closed behind him, remarked: “Something queer about that boy, look at the way he dashes about like mad. Must have been a good reason for putting him to work.”


“He’s a good worker,” said Frosya. “Needs no speeding up.”


“He’ll soon cool off,” was Lusha’s opinion. “They all try hard in the beginning…”


At seven o’clock the next morning, Pavel, utterly exhausted after a whole night spent on his feet, turned the boiling samovars over to the boy who was to relieve him.


The latter, a puffy-faced youngster with a mean look in his eyes, examined the boiling samovars, and having assured himself that all was in order, thrust his hands into his pockets and spat through his teeth with an air of scornful superiority. “Now listen, snotnose!” he said in an aggressive tone, fixing Pavel with his colourless eyes. “See you’re on the job here tomorrow at six sharp.”


“Why at six?” Pavka wanted to know. “The shift changes at seven, doesn’t it?”


“Never mind when the shift changes. You get here at six. And you’d better not blab too much or I’ll **ash your silly mug for you. Some cheek, only started in today and already putting on airs.”


The dishwashers who had just finished their shift listened with interest to the exchange between the two boys. The blustering tone and bullying manner of the other enraged Pavel. He took a step toward his tormentor and was about to lash out at him with his fists when the fear of losing his newly acquired job stopped him.


“Stop your noise,” he said, his face dark with rage, “and keep off or you’ll get more than you bargained for. I’ll be here at seven tomorrow, and I can use my fists as good as you can. Maybe you’d like to try? I’m game.”


His a**ersary cowered back against the boiler, gaping with surprise at the bristling Pavel.


He had not expected such a determined rebuff.


“All right, all right, we’ll see,” he muttered.


Pavel, his first day at work having passed without mishap, hurried home with a sense of having honestly earned his rest. Now he too was a worker and no one could accuse him of being a parasite.


The morning sun was already climbing above the sprawling buildings of the sawmill. Before long the tiny house where Pavel lived would come into view, just behind the Leszczinski garden.


“Mother must have just got up, and here I am coming home from work,” Pavel thought, and he quickened his pace, whistling as he went. “It turned out not so bad being kicked out of school. That damned priest wouldn’t have given me any peace anyway, and he can go to hell now for all I care. As for that gingerhead,” he said to himself as he opened the gate, “I’ll punch his face for certain.”


His mother, who was lighting the samovar in the yard, looked up at her son’s approach and asked anxiously: “Well, how was it?”


“Fine,” Pavel replied.


His mother was about to say something when through the open window Pavel caught a glimpse of his brother Artem’s broad back.


“Artem’s come home?” he asked, worried.


“Yes, he came last night. He’s going to stay here and work at the railway yards.”


With some hesitation Pavel opened the front door.




1. Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine – Stereo Hearts

2. Tinie Tempah ft. Eric Turner – Written In The Stars

3. Nelly – Just a Dream

4. Sean Paul ft. Alexis Jordan – Got 2 Luv U

5. De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig – Sterrenstof

6. Rihanna – What’s my Name

7. Hot Chelle Rae – Tonight Tonight

8. The Black Eyed Peas – Just Can't Get Enough

9. Adele – Rolling In The Deep

10. Ke$ha – We R Who We R

11. Jason Derulo – Don't Wanna Go Home

12. Katy Perry – Firework

13. Dj Antoine vs Timati ft. Kalenna – Welcome To St. Tropez

14. Far East Movement ft. The Cataracs – Like A G6

15. Bingo Players – Cry (Just a Little)

16. Alexis Jordan – Happiness

17. Alex Gaudino – I'm In Love (I Wanna Do It)

18. Avicii – Fade Into Darkness

19. Avicii – Levels

20. Swedish House Mafia – Save The World

21. Beyoncé – Run The World (Girls)

22. The Partysquad & Reverse ft. Gers, Adje & Jayh – Ik Ga Hard

23. Duck Sauce – Barbra Streisand

24. LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett – Party Rock Anthem

25. Bruno Mars – Just The Way You Are (Rutger van Gelder Bootleg)

26. Elena – Midnight Sun

27. Elena – Disco Romancing

28. Inna – Sun Is Up

29. David Guetta ft. Rihanna – Who's That Chick

30. Cobra Starship ft. Sabi – You Make Me Feel

31. Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)

32. Martin Solveig & Dragonette – Hello

33. R.I.O. – Miss Sunshine

34. Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo – Give Me Everything

35. David Guetta ft. Nicki Mina – Where Them Girls At

36. Usher – More (RedOne Jimmy Joker Remix)

37. LMFAO ft. Natalia Kills – Champagne Showers

38. David Guetta ft. Taio Cruz – Little Bad Girl

39. Don Omar ft. Lucenzo – Danza Kuduro

40. Calvin Harris ft. Kelis – Bounce

41. Snoop Dogg ft. David Guetta – Sweat

42. Milk & Sugar vs. Vaya Con Dios – Hey (Nah Neh Nah)

43. Chris Brown – Yeah 3x

44. Taio Cruz ft. Flo Rida – Hangover

45. Chris Brown ft. Benny Benassi – Beautiful People

46. Alexandra Stan – Mr Saxobeat

47. Rihanna – S&M

48. Sak Noel – Loca People

49. LMFAO – Sexy and I Know It

50. David Guetta ft. Sia – Titanium

51. Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris – We Found Love

52. Nadia Ali – Rapture

53. Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera – Moves Like Jagger

54. Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull & The WAVs – I Like How It Feels

55. Avicii – Street Dancer

56. Tiësto vs. Diplo ft. Busta Rhymes – C'mon (Catch 'Em By Surprise)

57. Britney Spears – Hold It Against Me

58. Gotye ft. Kimbra – Somebody That I Used To Know

59. DJ Fresh ft Sian Evans – Louder

60. Mord Fustang – A New World

61. Skrillex – First Of The Year (Equinox)






鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的 How The Steel Was Tempered

作者:尼古拉·奧斯特洛夫斯基 (Nikolai Alexeevich Ostrovsky) [前蘇聯(lián)]



“Those of you who came to my house to be examined before the Easter holidays, stand up!” The speaker, a corpulent man in the garb of a priest, with a heavy cross dangling from his neck, fixed the class with a baleful glare.


His **all hard eyes seemed to bore through the six children — four boys and two girls — who rose from their seats and looked at the man in the robe with apprehension.


“You sit down,” the priest said, motioning to the girls.


The girls hastily complied, with sighs of relief.


Father Vasili’s slits of eyes focussed on the other four.


“Now then, my fine lads, come over here!”


Father Vasili rose, pushed back his chair and walked up to the group of boys who stood huddled close together.


“Which of you young ruffians **okes?”


“We don’t **oke, father,” the four answered timidly.


The blood rushed to the priest’s face.


“You don’t **oke, eh, you scoundrels? Then who put the tobacco in the dough? Tell me that! We’ll see whether you **oke or not. Now then, turn out your pockets! Come on, turn them out, I say!”


Three of the boys proceeded to empty the contents of their pockets onto the table.


The priest inspected the seams carefully for grains of tobacco, but found nothing, whereupon he turned to the fourth lad, a dark-eyed youngster in a grey shirt and blue trousers patched at the knees.


“What are you standing there for like a dummy?”


The lad threw a look of silent hatred at his questioner. “I haven’t any pockets,” he replied sullenly, running his hands over the sides of his trousers.


“No pockets, eh? You think I don’t know who could have played such a scoundrelly trick as to spoil my dough? You think I’m going to let you off again? Oh no, my boy, you shall suffer for this. Last time I allowed you to stay in this school because your mother begged me to keep you, but now I’m finished with you. Out with you!” He seized the boy painfully by the ear and threw him out into the corridor, slamming the door after him.


The class sat silent, cowed. None of the children could understand why Pavel Korchagin had been ejected, none but Sergei Bruzzhak, who was Pavel’s closest friend. He had seen him sprinkle a fistful of home-grown tobacco into the Easter cake dough in the priest’s kitchen where six backward pupils had waited for the priest to come and hear them repeat their lesson.


Now Pavel sat down on the bottom step of the school-house and wondered di**ally what his mother would say when he told her what had happened, his poor hard-working mother who toiled from morning till night as cook at the excise inspector’s.


Tears choked him.


“What shall I do? It’s all because of that damned priest. What on earth made me go and put that tobacco in his dough? It was Seryozhka’s idea. ‘Let’s play a trick on the old beast,’ he says. So we did. And now Seryozhka’s got off and I’ll likely be kicked out.”


His feud with Father Vasili was of long standing. It dated back to the day he had a scrap with Mishka Levchenkov and in punishment was kept in after lessons. To keep the lad out of mischief in the empty classroom, the teacher took him to the second grade to sit in at a lesson. Pavel took a seat at the back.


The teacher, a wizened little man in a black jacket, was telling the class about the earth and the heavenly bodies, and Pavel gaped with amazement when he learned that the earth had been in existence for millions of years and that the stars too were worlds. So startled was he by what he had heard that he barely refrained from getting up and blurting out: “That isn’t what the Bible says!”


But he was afraid of getting into more hot water.


The priest had always given Pavel full marks for Scripture. He knew almost the whole prayer book practically by heart, and the Old and New Testament as well.


He knew exactly what God had created on each day of the week. Now he resolved to take the matter up with Father Vasili.


At the very next lesson, before the priest had time to settle himself properly in his chair, Pavel raised his hand and, having obtained permission to speak, he got up.


“Father, why does the teacher in the second grade say the earth is millions of years old, instead of what the Bible says, five thou…”


A hoarse cry from Father Vasili cut him short. “What did you say, you scoundrel? So that’s how you learn your Scripture!”


And before Pavel knew what had happened the priest had seized him by the ears and was banging his head against the wall. A few minutes later, shaken with fright and pain, he found himself outside in the corridor.


His mother too had given him a good scolding that time. And the following day she had gone to the school and begged Father Vasili to take him back. From that day Pavel hated the priest with all his soul. Hated and feared him. His childish heart rebelled against any injustice, however slight. He could not forgive the priest for the undeserved beating, and he grew sullen and bitter.


Pavel suffered many a slight at the hands of Father Vasili after that. The priest was forever sending him out of the classroom; day after day for weeks on end he made him stand in the corner for trifling misdemeanours and never called on him to answer questions, with the result that on the eve of the Easter holidays Pavel had to go with the backward boys to the priest’s house to be reexamined. It was there in the kitchen that he had dropped the tobacco into the dough.


No one had seen him do it, but the priest had guessed at once who was to blame.


The lesson ended at last and the children poured out into the yard and crowded round Pavel, who maintained a gloomy silence. Sergei Bruzzhak lingered behind in the classroom. He felt that he too was guilty, but he could do nothing to help his friend.


Yefrem Vasilievich, the headmaster, poked his head out of the open window of the common room and shouted: “Send Korchagin to me at once!” Pavel jumped at the sound of the headmaster’s deep bass voice, and with pounding heart obeyed his summons.


The proprietor of the railway station restaurant, a pale middle-aged man with faded, colourless eyes, glanced briefly at Pavel.


“How old is he?”




“All right, he can stay. He’ll get eight rubles a month and his food on the days he works. He’ll work twenty-four hours at a stretch every other day. But mind, no pilfering.”


“Oh no, sir. He won’t steal, I’ll answer for that,” the mother hastened fearfully to assure him.


“Let him start in today,” ordered the proprietor and, turning to the woman behind the counter, said: “Zina, take the boy to the kitchen and tell Frosya to put him to work instead of Grishka.”


The barmaid laid down the knife with which she had been slicing ham, nodded to Pavel and led the way across the hall to a side door opening into the scullery. Pavel followed her. His mother hurried after him and whispered quickly into his ear: “Now Pavlushka, dear, do your best, and don’t disgrace yourself.”


With sad eyes she watched him go, and left.


Work in the scullery was in full swing; plates, forks and knives were piled high on the table and several women were wiping them with towels flung over their shoulders.


A boy slightly older than Pavel, with a shaggy mop of ginger hair, was tending two huge samovars.


The scullery was full of steam that rose from the large vat of boiling water in which the dishes were washed, and Pavel could not see the faces of the women at first. He stood waiting uncertainly for someone to tell him what to do.


Zina, the barmaid, went over to one of the dishwashers and touched her shoulder. “Here, Frosya, I’ve brought you a new boy to take Grishka’s place. You tell him what he’s to do.”


“She’s in charge here,” Zina said to Pavel, nodding toward the woman she had called Frosya. “She’ll tell you what you have to do.” And with that she turned and went back to the buffet.


“All right,” Pavel replied softly and looked questioningly at Frosya.


Wiping her perspiring brow she examined him critically from head to foot, then, rolling up her sleeve which had slipped over her elbow, she said in a deep and remarkably pleasant voice:


“It’s not much of a job, dearie, but it will keep you busy enough. That copper over there has to be heated in the morning and kept hot so there’s boiling water all the time; then there’s the wood to chop and the samovars to take care of besides. You’ll have to clean the knives and forks sometimes and carry out the slops.”


“There’ll be plenty to do, lad,” she said, speaking with a marked Kostroma accent laying the stress on the “a’s”. Her manner of speaking and her flushed face with the **all turned-up nose made Pavel feel better.


“She seems quite decent,” he concluded, and overcoming his shyness, said: “What am I to do now, Auntie?”


A loud guffaw from the dishwashers met his words.


“Ha! Ha! Frosya’s gone and got herself a nephew…”


Frosya herself laughed even more heartily than the others.


Through the cloud of steam Pavel had not noticed that Frosya was a young girl; she was no more than eigh**.


Much embarrassed, he turned to the boy and asked: “What do I do now?”


But the boy merely chuckled. “You ask Auntie, she’ll tell you all about it. I’m off.” Whereupon he darted through the door leading to the kitchen.


“Come over here and help dry the forks,” said one of the dishwashers, a middle-aged woman.


“Stop your cackling,” she admonished the others. “The lad didn’t say anything funny. Here, take this.” She handed Pavel a dish towel. “Hold one end between your teeth and pull the other end tight. Here’s a fork, run it up and down the towel, and see you don’t leave any dirt between the prongs. They’re very strict about that here. The customers always inspect the forks and if they find a speck of dirt, they make a terrible fuss, and the mistress will send you flying out in a jiffy.”


“The mistress?” Pavel echoed. “I thought the master who hired me was in charge.”


The dishwasher laughed. “The master, my lad, is just a stick of furniture around here. The mistress is the boss. She isn’t here today. But if you work here a while you’ll see for yourself.”


The scullery door opened and three waiters entered carrying trays piled high with dirty dishes.


One of them, a broad-shouldered cross-eyed man with a heavy, square jaw, said: “You’d better look lively. The 12 o’clock is due any minute, and here you are dawdling about.”


He looked at Pavel. “Who’s this?” he asked.


“That’s the new boy,” said Frosya.


“Ah, the new boy,” he said. “Well, listen, my lad.” He laid his heavy hands on Pavel’s shoulders and pushed him over to the samovars. “You’re supposed to keep them boiling all the time, and look, one of them’s out, and the other is barely going. Don’t let it happen again or I’ll beat the stuffings out of you!”


Pavel busied himself with the samovars without a word.


Thus began his life of toil. Never had Pavka worked so hard as on that first day. He realised that this was not home where he could afford to disobey his mother. The cross-eyed waiter had made it quite plain that if he did not do as he was told, he would suffer for it.


Placing one of his top-boots over the chimney and using it as a bellows, Pave! soon had the sparks flying from the large pot-bellied samovars. He picked up the slop pail and rushed out to the garbage dump, added firewood to the water boiler, dried the wet dish towels on the hot samovars — in a word, did everything he was told to do. Late that night when he went off wearily to the kitchen, Anisia, the middle-aged dishwasher, with a glance at the door that had closed behind him, remarked: “Something queer about that boy, look at the way he dashes about like mad. Must have been a good reason for putting him to work.”


“He’s a good worker,” said Frosya. “Needs no speeding up.”


“He’ll soon cool off,” was Lusha’s opinion. “They all try hard in the beginning…”


At seven o’clock the next morning, Pavel, utterly exhausted after a whole night spent on his feet, turned the boiling samovars over to the boy who was to relieve him.


The latter, a puffy-faced youngster with a mean look in his eyes, examined the boiling samovars, and having assured himself that all was in order, thrust his hands into his pockets and spat through his teeth with an air of scornful superiority. “Now listen, snotnose!” he said in an aggressive tone, fixing Pavel with his colourless eyes. “See you’re on the job here tomorrow at six sharp.”


“Why at six?” Pavka wanted to know. “The shift changes at seven, doesn’t it?”


“Never mind when the shift changes. You get here at six. And you’d better not blab too much or I’ll **ash your silly mug for you. Some cheek, only started in today and already putting on airs.”


The dishwashers who had just finished their shift listened with interest to the exchange between the two boys. The blustering tone and bullying manner of the other enraged Pavel. He took a step toward his tormentor and was about to lash out at him with his fists when the fear of losing his newly acquired job stopped him.


“Stop your noise,” he said, his face dark with rage, “and keep off or you’ll get more than you bargained for. I’ll be here at seven tomorrow, and I can use my fists as good as you can. Maybe you’d like to try? I’m game.”


His a**ersary cowered back against the boiler, gaping with surprise at the bristling Pavel.


He had not expected such a determined rebuff.


“All right, all right, we’ll see,” he muttered.


Pavel, his first day at work having passed without mishap, hurried home with a sense of having honestly earned his rest. Now he too was a worker and no one could accuse him of being a parasite.


The morning sun was already climbing above the sprawling buildings of the sawmill. Before long the tiny house where Pavel lived would come into view, just behind the Leszczinski garden.


“Mother must have just got up, and here I am coming home from work,” Pavel thought, and he quickened his pace, whistling as he went. “It turned out not so bad being kicked out of school. That damned priest wouldn’t have given me any peace anyway, and he can go to hell now for all I care. As for that gingerhead,” he said to himself as he opened the gate, “I’ll punch his face for certain.”


His mother, who was lighting the samovar in the yard, looked up at her son’s approach and asked anxiously: “Well, how was it?”


“Fine,” Pavel replied.


His mother was about to say something when through the open window Pavel caught a glimpse of his brother Artem’s broad back.


“Artem’s come home?” he asked, worried.


“Yes, he came last night. He’s going to stay here and work at the railway yards.”


With some hesitation Pavel opened the front door.




1. Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine – Stereo Hearts

2. Tinie Tempah ft. Eric Turner – Written In The Stars

3. Nelly – Just a Dream

4. Sean Paul ft. Alexis Jordan – Got 2 Luv U

5. De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig – Sterrenstof

6. Rihanna – What’s my Name

7. Hot Chelle Rae – Tonight Tonight

8. The Black Eyed Peas – Just Can't Get Enough

9. Adele – Rolling In The Deep

10. Ke$ha – We R Who We R

11. Jason Derulo – Don't Wanna Go Home

12. Katy Perry – Firework

13. Dj Antoine vs Timati ft. Kalenna – Welcome To St. Tropez

14. Far East Movement ft. The Cataracs – Like A G6

15. Bingo Players – Cry (Just a Little)

16. Alexis Jordan – Happiness

17. Alex Gaudino – I'm In Love (I Wanna Do It)

18. Avicii – Fade Into Darkness

19. Avicii – Levels

20. Swedish House Mafia – Save The World

21. Beyoncé – Run The World (Girls)

22. The Partysquad & Reverse ft. Gers, Adje & Jayh – Ik Ga Hard

23. Duck Sauce – Barbra Streisand

24. LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett – Party Rock Anthem

25. Bruno Mars – Just The Way You Are (Rutger van Gelder Bootleg)

26. Elena – Midnight Sun

27. Elena – Disco Romancing

28. Inna – Sun Is Up

29. David Guetta ft. Rihanna – Who's That Chick

30. Cobra Starship ft. Sabi – You Make Me Feel

31. Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)

32. Martin Solveig & Dragonette – Hello

33. R.I.O. – Miss Sunshine

34. Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo – Give Me Everything

35. David Guetta ft. Nicki Mina – Where Them Girls At

36. Usher – More (RedOne Jimmy Joker Remix)

37. LMFAO ft. Natalia Kills – Champagne Showers

38. David Guetta ft. Taio Cruz – Little Bad Girl

39. Don Omar ft. Lucenzo – Danza Kuduro

40. Calvin Harris ft. Kelis – Bounce

41. Snoop Dogg ft. David Guetta – Sweat

42. Milk & Sugar vs. Vaya Con Dios – Hey (Nah Neh Nah)

43. Chris Brown – Yeah 3x

44. Taio Cruz ft. Flo Rida – Hangover

45. Chris Brown ft. Benny Benassi – Beautiful People

46. Alexandra Stan – Mr Saxobeat

47. Rihanna – S&M

48. Sak Noel – Loca People

49. LMFAO – Sexy and I Know It

50. David Guetta ft. Sia – Titanium

51. Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris – We Found Love

52. Nadia Ali – Rapture

53. Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera – Moves Like Jagger

54. Enrique Iglesias ft. Pitbull & The WAVs – I Like How It Feels

55. Avicii – Street Dancer

56. Tiësto vs. Diplo ft. Busta Rhymes – C'mon (Catch 'Em By Surprise)

57. Britney Spears – Hold It Against Me

58. Gotye ft. Kimbra – Somebody That I Used To Know

59. DJ Fresh ft Sian Evans – Louder

60. Mord Fustang – A New World

61. Skrillex – First Of The Year (Equinox)



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